SLAAM 5K 2021

2399 Tilbrook Road
Monroeville, PA 15146

Running > 5k

Registration Powered by RunSignUp

Event Description

SLAAM 5K 2021


EARLY BIRD SPECIAL $25 FROM May 18 to 11:59pm on June 4, 2021

REGULAR REGISTRATION $30 from June 5 to June 21.

Children ages 8 and under do not require registration. Children ages 9 to 17 registration is $10. Participant chec-in will be  7:15-8:00am on race day. The 5k run begins at 8:15 with staggered starts (pursuant to Covid guidelines) with the Fun Run/Walk beginning at 8:30am. 

Race Giveaways: Registered participants will receive Gift bag including T-shirt and sponsorship gifts!  

Awards: Gold medals awarded to the 1st place finishers in the each of the following men’s and women’s age categories: 18-30, 31-40, 41 & Over

Timing: Chip Timing provided by Wolf Creek Race Management. 

Event Location & Accomodations

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