Event Description
About This Activity
* Start Time: 7:30am for the 4-Miler; 9am for the Little Lucky Leprechaun Dash
* Date: Saturday, March 11, 2017
* Start And Finish Line: Huizenga Plaza, 32 E. Las Olas, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
PRE RACE Packet Pick Up: To Be Determined - check the website for details
Packet Pick-Up: Thusday: 3/9/2017 - TBD
Packet Pick-Up: Friday: 3/10/2017 - TBD
Race Day Packet Pick Up:
Race-Day Packet Pick-Up: Sunday: 3/11/2017 from 5:45am - 7:15am Huizenga Plaza event site
A beer coupon will be on your race number. You must be 21 to redeem the beer.
No Bib Ticket - No Beer
While Supplies Last
Top 3 Overall Male, Top 3 Overall Female, First Overall Male/Female Masters. Top 3 Male/Female in Age groups. 14& Under, 15-19, 5 year increments - 70 & over
Event details and schedule
Hello All you Shamrockers!!! Join us for the 4th annual Fort Lauderdale Shamrock Run, where everyone is Irish for a day! Wear your best Green for this festive Run + Party event! The Fort Lauderdale St. Patrick's Day Parade and Irish Festival will immediately follow the Shamrock Run, so plan on sticking around to enjoy the festivities! There will be activities for adults and kids alike!
The Shamrock 4-Miler will begin at 7:30am on Saturday, March 11, 2017, and will feature an out-and-back course along Las Olas.
The Little Lucky Leprechaun Dashes will begin a 9am. Distances will vary based on the age of your child, ie. 4 & Under - 50 meters; 5-6 - 100 meters, 7-8 - 200 meters, 9-11 - 400 meters.
Post Race Food, Beer, Music, and festivities will take place in Huizenga Plaza. All Finishers will receive a medal!
For information, registration, and event details, please visit our website at, http://Shamrock-Run.com