Event Description
This event is your chance to lace up your sneakers and get involved in stopping drunk driving in our community. Drunk driving is still the primary cause of death on our roadways. But by signing up for this event and raising funds on behalf of MADD, you are making our families and community safer.
Awards will be given for Top Three Overall Male, Female and Masters as well as Top Three Age Group for Males and Females in all Age Categories. MADD Tech Tees will be given to all pre-registered runners.
Kids Rad Dash: select if you would like your child to participate in a 100 meter dash that follows the completion of Walk Like MADD & MADD Dash Fort Lauderdale. Specialty finisher medals will be given to each participant of the Kids Rad Dash .
Event details and schedule
Huizenga Plaza 32 East Las Olas Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Race Date: 4/30/2017
Starts: 7:30 AM
Check in Time: 6AM - 7:15 AM
Contact: Donna Byrne
Phone: 954-448-7880
Email: madddash@gmail.com
Friday, April 28, 2017 at Runners Depot Davie from 4pm - 7pm
Address: Promenade Plaza - 2233 S University Dr, Davie, FL 33324 - (954) 474-4074 -1/4 mile south of I-595 on the West side
Saturday, April 29, 2017 at Runners Depot Fort Lauderdale from 11am - 4pm
Address: SouthPort Plaza - 1489-1E SE 17th St. Causeway, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 - (954) 712-9951 -1/4 mile east of US-1 on the North side