Event Description
9th Annual Pedal for PAL Bike Tour Presented by Seacoast Bank and powered by Valor Cycling will start at ER Bradley's Saloon at 104 N. Clematis St. WPB, FL. Day of registration opens at 0600. Parking down town is easy with on street parking or an oen parking garage at Banyan St.
We will have a bike valet so rest easy once you get there. You can leave your bike with one of our valets and they'll place it at the start line for you to pick it up before the ride starts.
We'll have bagels and coffee before the ride so be sure to stop by our food shack to fuel up.
There will be adequate rest stops, fully stocked, and SAG out on course. If a rider needs anyting more than tubes, air, etc. (must bring your own tire flat kit), then we will have support to take you back to the start or attempt to fix minor mechanicals.
Every rider MUST wear an approved helmet, and we ask that no earbuds are worn for your safety.
All riders will receive a souvenor Police Athletic Pint Glass and other items to commemorate this great ride and PALs great misson.
Ride along beautiful A1A with views of the Atlantic Ocean as riders make thier way north and back along the same route. There are two really big (but fun) bridges for you to shout, "shut up legs" and you'll even get to repeats.
Call Kevin at 561-644-9278 for more information, if needed.
Ride safe.
Event details and schedule
On-line registration is open now. Costs goes up 4/19/17 so register early.
All riders must sign waiver.
Parking is on street (downtown) or at the Banyan Parking Garage.
Bring your helmet, water bottles, shoes, money, sun screen, flat tire repair kit, etc.
ER Bradley's Saloon west parking lot is set aside for the bike riders and we'll have a bike valet to assist each rider. We will form up at 0700 and ride out at 0715.
PBSO Motors will escort the lead group out.
Rules of the Road apply at all times. No large groups on the streets and ride no more than two abreast and do not block traffic.
Maps will be handed out and we'll have GPS ready maps as well.