Event Description
Join us St. Patrick's Day March 17th 2017 at the mall at University Place in Urban Court for the first ever University Place Walking Club event! Registration for the Lucky Laces Mall Walk sponsored by Revere Health is free and participants will receive a complimentary Mall Walker Fit Kit from Revere Health and University Place.
7:30am - Check in and registration for new members to University Place Mall Walking Club. Learn about how you can track your mall walking progress for prizes.
- Complimentary light breakfast will be served
- Health presentations, free screenings, raffles, and awards
- Height/Weight
- Body Composition
- Blood pressure
- Pulse OX
- Dietitian Q&A
- "Rethink Your Drink" Exhibit
- "Enhance Your Walk" by Cameron Valentine
Children 12 and under do not need to register. They will not receive particpant swag but they are welcome to take home balloons and particpate in everything.