Event Description
Tuxedo Ridge Ski Center | 481 Route 17A Tuxedo, NY 10987
Directions: From either North or South go from I-87 to 17. Then from 17 jump to 17A and follow that and our signs to the parking lots at Tuxedo Ridge Ski Center.
The parking lots are approximately a half-mile walk to the Registration area. There will be clearly marked walkways to get to your destination.
$10 per car. $20 per van. $50 per bus or RV. Cash only. Pay as you enter.
7:30am Elite Men
7:45am Elite Women
8:00am - 8:30am Competitive Start Times
8:45am - 12:00pm Morning Start Times
12:15pm Afternoon Start Times Begin
Last Heat: TBD (will be posted here 10 days prior to event day) Waves of 250+ racers will be released every 15 minutes. YOUR exact start time in the group you registered for will be posted under the Race Day tab a few days prior to the events date.
Badass Sprint Finishers Medal (personalize it with our partner site, iTab)
A trifecta medal wedge piece (run a Super and Beast to collect your remaining two pieces!)
Free beer
Sprint Finisher t-shirt (your other one should be pretty dirty)
Free Professional Photos (to frame and flaunt)
Bananas at the finish line
CLIF Builder's protein bar
Bragging rights
Arrive an hour and a half before your start time. This gives you plenty of time to park, pick up your packet, drop your stuff at bag check, and get warmed up.
Registration opens at 6:00am.
Your ID
Your bib #
Towel & extra (dry) clothes
Recommended: Headlamp and Camelback What not to bring:
Outside food and drink (racers, fuel for the race is OK)
Your pets
Negative Attitude
There’s no dress code, but you’ll be running in mud and water, climbing hills and mountains, under barbed wire and jumping fire. Our elites recommend: performance gear (NOT COTTON), water packs, compression underwear, Clif bars and energy gel. Visit shop.spartan.com to gear up for your race. Advice from experience: is to race in what you train in - new shoes on race day are NOT recommended.
Professional event day photos will be posted on the event page 5-7 days after the event, FREE OF CHARGE! We’ll email you when your photos are ready!