Event Description
We are excited to announce the 4th Annual Guzi’s Hunt for the Cure Run/Walk for Huntington’s Disease on Sunday, May 19, 2024 at Oak Creek’s Lake Vista Park. Over the past three years we have raised more than $230,000 with the help of our amazing sponsors, participants and other generous donations, to benefit Huntington’s Disease Society of America (HDSA) – Wisconsin Chapter & Guzi’s Hunt For The Cure Foundation, Inc. We look forward to continuing the momentum this year to hit our fundraising goal of $75,000.
In 2020, Chris Guzikowski, lifelong Oak Creek resident, Oak Creek 6th District Alderman, Oak Creek Lion member, and 2018 Oak Creek Citizen of the Year, received a confirmed diagnosis of Huntington’s Disease. Huntington’s Disease (HD) is a rare genetic neurological disorder that currently has no cure, and affects 41,000 individuals in the U.S. HD is described as a combination of ALS, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s, happening simultaneously. Symptoms include slowed cognition, involuntary movement, irritability, problems with balance and coordination, difficulty speaking and eventually issues with swallowing—ultimately leading to death. The genetic nature of this disease also means that any biological children, including Chris’s three daughters, have a fifty percent chance of also inheriting this devastating disease. Chris and his family started Guzi’s Hunt for the Cure 5K Run/Walk for Huntington’s Disease in 2021 to spread awareness and raise money for HD research and support, with a long-term goal of helping to eradicate Huntington’s disease.
In 2023, as they were preparing to start their own family, Chris’ daughter Carley Renner and her husband Nate received the devastating news that Carley also carries the Huntington’s gene. Not only does this mean that Carley will eventually face that same fate as her father, but also that her and Nate risked a fifty percent chance of passing the HD gene along to their own biological children. They were lucky to receive a grant for high-cost fertility assistance that guaranteed their biological children would be HD-free, and are thrilled to announce the arrival of a healthy baby boy to their family this January! After experiencing this blessing, Carley and Nate wanted to help other individuals facing the same diagnosis, so they created Guzi’s Hunt for the Cure Foundation, Inc. The foundation offers financial support (grants) to couples affected by Huntington's Disease through fundraising, donations and sponsorships, and is eager to pay this gift of hope forward to other couples.
Guzi’s Hunt for the Cure Foundation has continued outreach for education and awareness about HD & pre-implantation genetic testing with IVF. Their grant application was approved in 2023, and their first grant cycle is currently open for applicants. Proceeds from this year's fundraising efforts will benefit Guzi’s Hunt for the Cure Foundation, Inc. and HDSA - WI Chapter. Thank you in advance for your consideration of support to reach our 2024 goal of $75,000. We hope to see you at Guzi’s Hunt for the Cure 5K Run/Walk for Huntington’s Disease on Sunday, May 19th!