Event Description
Join us for a fun event for a great cause at Chehaw Park & Zoo!
Love to run/walk for 3.14 miles? Register for our 5K!
Love to run/walk for 1 mile? Register for our Fun Run!
Love to run, drink cold beer and have a sharp mind for trivia? Register for our Beer Relay!
Don't want to run or walk? Join us for the After Party in the Park!
Bring the whole family to help us raise money for local cancer patients and their families.
7:30 am- Registration opens for the 5K, Fun Run and Beer Relay
(Chehaw Park Stage)
8:30 am- 5K Begins
8:45 am- Fun Run Begins (Zoo Entrance)
9:30 am- Recovery Station Opens
10:00 am- Arts & Crafts Vendors Open and Kid Zone Opens
11:00 am- Music Begins
11:30 am-12:45 pm- Cornhole Registration (Chehaw Park Stage)
1:00 pm- Cornhole Tournament
2:00 pm- Beer Relay Registration (Cancer Ties Table)
3:00 pm- Beer Relay Begins (Chehaw Park Stage)
5:00 pm- Event Concludes