Event Description
Event Description:
The Hull Ambulance squad will be hosting a 5K race during Summer Fest on Saturday morning, July 20 at 7:30 in Hull. The race will begin at Westside City Park at the intersection of Birch St. and 3rd St.
This one loop course will first take the athletes north to 5th street and then eastward past the Hull Elementary Christian school. After runners crest the largest hill climb of the race on 5th Street, they will turn southbound on Chestnut Street for 5 city blocks before heading west on Railroad Street. From there athletes will continue their route westward, passing over Main Street, and then Division Avenue (by the Ambulance garage and city Safety Complex) and run clear all the way to the west side of town. When they come to the "T" intersection of Hayes Avenue, athletes will hang a right and continue northbound until they hit 5th Street once again: This will be the final stretch of the race!
Athletes will continue east on 5th Street until they arrive once again to Birch Street. There they will turn right and head south for two final blocks back to West Side City park and cross the finish there. Following the race, athletes will receive their finisher medals and enjoy post race supplements provided by Fareway grocery store from Sioux Center.
Event Parking:
Access to Birch Street will be blocked off from 2nd Street (south of West Side City Park) all the way through 5th Street (north o West Side City Park). Additionally, Center Street (the first road immediately north of West Side City Park) will be blocked off to allow for venders to set up their trailers later that morning.
For best parking, athletes will want to park along the east and west roads of 2nd or even 1st Street. These streets are one and two blocks south of West Side City Park respectively. Or, if Athletes would prefer, they may park along Brown Street which is a north and southbound street just one block west of the park.
Race Packet Pick Up:
Athletes can pick up their packet, which will include race-day information, timing chip, and other amenities on Friday night, July 19 from 5:00 - 8:00 at the Grain House coffee shop in Hull (1134 Main St., Hull, IA, 51239)
on Saturday morning at Westside City park from 6:00 - 7:00 (1300-1398 Birch St, Hull, IA 51239).
Age Group Divisions:
9 and under
80 and over
Awards structure will be as follows:
All participants who finish the race will receive a finishers medal at the finish line.
Award ceremony will begin at 8:45 at West Side Park.
Award medals will be given for the top male and female finishers from age group division.
The overall male and female winners will be excluded from their age group awards.
The overall winners will be determined by the gun time. This means that, athletes trying to grab the top spot awards of overall finishers should be prepared to start the race when the gun goes off, not by when they cross the timing mat. This will create an ideal photo finish and clear any confusion about who the first overall male and female athlete.
The overall male and female winners will each receive a $50 gift card to the Grain House coffee shop in Hull.