Rugged Maniac Kansas City

1 Snow Creek Drive
Weston, MO 64098

Running > 5k, Obstacle Race > Rugged Maniac

Event Description


You could spend your Saturday running errands or binge-watching TV, but wouldn’t it be more fun to do something absolutely insane with your friends?!

Picture this: You arrive at Snow Creek on September 22nd with a carload of your most adventurous friends. As you step out you notice the people around you admiring your group’s coordinated “Avengers-in-bathing-suits” costumes and your on-point Hulk-green body paint. In the festival, people are already riding the mechanical bull and playing beach volleyball (Rugged Maniac is definitely more than just a mud run), but you’re more interested in the stein-hoisting contest on the main stage. You make a note to sign up for that and the pie-eating contest after you run. You see obstacles in the distance – mud-covered people jumping over fire, bouncing on trampolines, rocketing down a huge water slide – and your surging excitement confirms what you already knew: Today is going to be awesome!

Stop daydreaming. Grab your friends and get your tickets now!

If you’re 18 and over, you need to bring a photo ID to verify your age, but you DO NOT need to bring a copy of your signed waiver. You’ll sign the waiver at the Check-In Tent before you run. If you’re under 18, you need to bring a copy of the waiver signed by your parent or legal guardian. If you forget it, your parent can still sign a waiver for you at the race.

Racers 21+ will get two wristbands: one to verify that your ID has been checked and the other to be redeemed for one free beer.

Each racer gets a race bib which must be worn on the front of his/her body (shirt or shorts). The bib serves three purposes: (1) It lets our security know that you’re a paid runner, (2) you can enter your bib number into the designated website after the race to find any pictures and download for FREE, and (3) items at the bag check are organized by bib number, so you must have it in order to retrieve your bags. We do not keep records of who gets which bib, so be sure to have your number in order to retrieve your bags at the bag check and find your photos.

You’ll be given whatever size t-shirt you requested when registering. Please note that the women’s and men’s t-shirts are different styles. Women’s t-shirts are slim-fit and run small, except for women’s XL and XXL t-shirts which are not slim-fit. Men’s t-shirts are unisex style and are true to size.

DO NOT BRING the following items with you onto the course: wedding rings or other expensive jewelry, sunglasses, your only pair of prescription glasses, your wallet, your car keys, your cell phone, or anything else you don’t want to lose/destroy. Leave belongings with a friend, return them to your car, or check them at our free bag check located at the Bag Check Tent. Be advised that Rugged Races LLC assumes no liability for damage to or loss of any items placed in the bag check.

Runners can register on the day of the race for waves that have not yet sold out for a fee of $100 ($90 for military personnel and students with valid IDs). Arrive at least one hour prior to your desired start time.

You can change your start time on the day of the race to one that isn’t sold out at the “Tickets and Troubleshooting” table in the Check-In Tent.

Because significant unrecoverable expense is incurred with each registration, we simply can’t offer refunds. However, we do allow you to transfer your registration to someone else on the day of the race for $10 (or via our website before online registration closes for free).

The race will not be canceled for rain! This is Rugged Maniac, not a tea party at the retirement home. If there’s lightning, we’ll delay waves until it passes. When the race resumes, waves will go off at 10-minute intervals until the race is back on schedule. If there’s severe weather that prevents the event from being held at all on Saturday, it’ll be moved to Sunday.

A team of 7 professional photographers from GameFace Media will be taking photos of runners on the course and will make those photos available for FREE download the Thursday after the event on our Facebook page and via an email to the address you used when you registered (be sure to check your junk mail folder).

There will be two water stations for racers throughout the course and again at the finish line, where we’ll also have oranges and bananas to help you replenish your energy! You can bring your own bottles of water, but no outside alcoholic beverages or coolers are allowed into the venue.

Assess each obstacle as you approach to determine whether your fitness level will allow you to safely complete it. Circumvent any obstacle that you feel is too difficult, but remember that doing so will disqualify you from winning the race.

Event Location & Accomodations

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