Event Description
"It's the most wonderful time of the year!"
We are proud to announce that NBVC was 1 of 84 military bases selected to receive FREE live Christmas trees. Trees were donated by individual farms and lots, the collective efforts of state and regional Christmas Tree associations, local sponsoring groups, and the customers of participating locations. Hundreds of donors and volunteers participate each year to make Trees for Troops Happen.
45 Christmas Trees were awarded to NBVC and will distributed to Active Duty Members or their Spouse. Trees will be limited to (1) one per household. ONLY ONE FAMILY MEMBER NEEDS TO REGISTER!
Tree pick-up will take place at Winter Wonderland on Friday, December 8th, @ Stinger's Field from 4pm -6pm only. Please bring your Active Duty CAC Card or Dependent ID. Twine will be provided to help you secure your trees to your vehicle.
For additional questions, please contact us at (805)319-5425