Event Description
The 2024 Heartland Kiwanis “Run for Riley” 5K Run/Walk circling through the Ivy Tech campus and the Columbus Municipal
Airport in Columbus, IN. This is the official site for our second annual event to support all Indiana Children who need special
medical and related services. All proceeds will go to Riley Hospital to support the overwhelming needs of children. Kiwanis has
partnered with Riley to support its efforts in many ways for over 100 years, and the event held on May 13, 2023, will be another
opportunity to support Indiana children and their parents.
Register by April 28th: $25 includes t-shirt, gift bag, and door prize chance tickets (Must receive by April 28th)
Register After April 28th / Day of race: $30 includes gift bag and t-shirt while supplies last
Day of Registration/Check in/Bib Pick up: 7:30-8:15AM at entrance to Ivy Tech on 4475 Central Ave., Columbus, IN
Contact Info: srbayer52@Icloud.com or Steve Bayer (812) 343-5915