Event Description
A fun, competitive race in memory of a great person, runner and friend Miguel Reyes from Fresno, who passed away in 2015. Join his family, co-workers and friends participate in a cross-country event - Free pancakes breakfast for all participants!!! Zumba & Mexican Folkloric performances, ICE CREAM!! Raffles!!
$8,500 Prize Awards
Top 5 overall (men & women)
1st ($1000)
2nd ($750)
3rd ($500)
4th ($250)
5th ($100)
Top 3 age group (men & women)
1st ($75)
2nd ($50)
3rd ($25)
Age Groups (<19, 20-24, 25- 29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-49, 50-59,60+)
Top 3 Master (40plus) (men & women)
1st $200
2nd $150
3rd $100
Bonus! $100 awarded to the first men/women break the meet course records of 14:51
(Diego Estrada, 2017) and 17:27 (Ayla Granados, 2016).
Bonus! $300 awarded to the first men/women to break the HS cross-country course
records of 14:24 (German Fernandez, 2007) and 16:31 (Claudia Lane, 2017).
Students (Middle/High School/College) categories. Top 3 will be awarded with trophies. Students
NOT eligible for cash awards!
Athena (women 160+ lbs) or Clydesdale (men 200+ lbs) categories! Top 3 will awarded with trophies.
Medals: Medals awarded to top 100 men/women to finish the race.
Shirts: Shirts guaranteed to registrants as of 05/15.
Kids Races!!!! 8:00 am - ages 7-10 years, 400 meters. 8:05 am - ages 4-6 years, 200 meters.
8:10 am ages 3 years, 100 meters. 8:15 am - ages 1-2 years, 50 meters 8:20 am
under 1 year, 10 meters. All kids get medals, shirt and breakfast!!
The 5k is a 10-Point Valley of the Year Series point race.
Walk-in Registration & Packet Pickup:
Friday, 07/27 (2:00-6:00 pm).
Fleet Feet, 9447 North Ft. Washington Road #106, Fresno.
Race Day Registration & Packet Pickup: Mt. View Shelter, beginning
at 5:45 am.
Benefits: Miguel Reyes Family
Information: 831.235.2536
Race Director: Jesus Campos