Event Description
Run4Care is a small, but mighty team of givers and a couple of feisty breast cancer survivors who are committed to helping women get the financial and psychological care they need to thrive and survive the big 4: Breast Cancer, Heart Disease, Stroke and Diabetes.
Millions of women are diagnosed with these four life threatening illness every year and incur huge medical and hospital bills. They often need assistance with insurance co-payments, treatment-related travel, meals, lodging and basic living expenses, but are too afraid or embarrassed to ask their friends or family for help.
Through the Run4Care 5k/10k, runners or event participants can raise money for women in their lives who are facing one of these challenging health issues. They can also donate money to a treatment facility or non-profit organization that provides free health care services.
Proceeds benefit: Pink Lotus Foundation, American Diabetes Association, American Heart/Stroke Association.
**Early registration is filling up fast! Register NOW to receive the Run4Care early bird discount special before August 1, 2016.
Limited numbers of spots are left; so it’s time to getserious about recruiting team members, family and friends and fundraising for the Big 4!
Use the coupon code "THEBIG4" at registration checkout.
Event details and schedule
How To Participate –
1. Through the Run4Care 5k/10k, runners or event participants can run a timed or untimed race as an individual.
2. Participants can register for the race and raise money through Everyday Hero for a woman they don’t know or a woman in their life who is facing a challenging health issue.
3. Participants can register for the race and donate race money to a treatment facility or non-profit organization that provides free health care services.
Start a Team: As a team captain, you can provide leadership and motivation to your team. Encourage your friends, family, and co-workers to step up and join you, too!
Join a Team: Become part of a pre-existing team, and contribute to team fundraiser goals
Register as an Individual: Support the cause by participating in the race and setting personal fundraising goals to help a person or organization in need.
Packet Pick-Up: Friday, October 7th, 2016 at Road Runnr Sports Studio City, 12115 Ventura Blvd
Parking: Available at lot adjacent to Merry-Go-Round
Learn more about Run4Care HERE
Saturday, October 8, 2016 - Race Day Schedule
- 6:30AM Race Package Pick‐Ups/Registration
- 6:30AM Survive & Thrive Wellness Tent Opens: Health & Wellness Event and Kid Zone
- 6:45AM Event Welcome
- 7:00AM Pre-Race Warm Up (10K Runners)
- 7:15 Transition to Starting Line (10K Runners)
- 7:30AM 10K Race Starts
- 8:30AM Pre‐Race Warm Up (5K Runners) 5K Runners To Starting Line
- 8:45AM Transition to Starting Line (5K Runners)
- 9:00AM 5K Run Starts - Runner Registration Closes
- 10:15AM Awards (Main Stage) Top Fundraising Teams & Top Male/Female Runners
- 10:30AM Main Stage Activities Continue
- 11:00AM Post Race Dance Party Cool Down w/DJ
- 11:30AM Live Musical Performance
- 12PM BOOT CAMP (*Registered Attendees ONLY)
- 1:15PM YOGA (*Registered Attendees ONLY)
- 2:15PM Closing Remarks
- 3PM Run4Care Ends