Event Description
The Beautiful San Pablo Dam Reservoir is our venue, a fabulousl unknown gem in the East Bay. A great place for hiking, picknicing, fishing, boating, and training for your next race event. We've enjoyed this Reservoir for the past 30 years and want to invite you to join us in our little known training ground.
Join your fellow racers at the beautiful San Pablo Reservoir for a Dog Celebration...Saturday Nov. 5, 2016. We will be honoring our four legged friends at our fourth annual "Dog Day at the Dam" (you don't need to have a dog to participate)!
RAFFLE FOR THE "DOGGIE- BAG” Every pre-registered participant will automatically be entered in the drawing. Same day registrants and all others who would like to participate may purchase a raffle ticket for $5.00 - NO LIMIT - Drawing will be held at 10:30 AM
Medals – Custom Finisher Medal to Everyone
Medals – Top 3 finishers in each 5 year division
Trophy – Overall Winner Male/Female
Plaques –
Male and Female 49 and Under With Dog
Male and Female 49 and Under Without Dog
Male and Female 50 and Over With Dog
Male and Female 50 and Over Without Dog
This is a really fun event. The Dogs enjoy it as much as the Runners, Walkers, and all the Dog Supporters....... "Who Let the Dogs OUT ??? "
Event details and schedule
Registration pick up is on Race Day at the Pre-Registration table. When Registration Closes online, please come to the race and we will be there ready to take your registration on Race Day.
We'll open at 7:00 am for race day pickup and race day registration.
8:30 am - 4.8 Runners/Walkers - No Dogs
8:35 am - 4.8 Runners/Walkers - With Dogs
8:40 am - 2.3 Runners/Walkers - With and Without Dogs
We've had such a wonderful turn out over the last few years..... Dogs with their race day neck-kerchiefs personalized with their name (provided by our race co-ordinator) starting at the race line to, "Who Let the Dogs Out"...... who knew the dogs know the song and howl on cue?! It's an incredible experience and we enjoy it so much, race promoters, racers, and dogs alike! Hoping you'll join us this year for a most memorable race.