Event Description
Memorial Day - May 29, 2017 - marks the 5th annual Memorial Day 5k, 10K & Kids 1K Run. Runners and walkers of all experience levels are invited to come out and enjoy the Memorial Day festivities! With a 5K Run/Walk (3.1 miles), 10K Run/Walk (6.2 miles) and a Kid's Run (1K), there is something for everyone!
All finisher’s who complete the race in 2 hours or less will be presented a finisher’s medal at the finish line.
In addition, awards will be presented to the top three finishers for the 5K, 10K and Kids 1K. Awards will be presented at the completion of the race.
- Chip Timing for 5K, 10K & Kids 1K Run
- Age Division Awards for Male & Female
10 & under, 11 - 13, 14 - 19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 & Over.
All finishers will receieve a Memorial Day 5K, 10K and Kids 1K commemorative T-shirt, SWAG bag and a custom finisher's medal.
The Memorial Day 5K, 10K and Kids 1K Run is excited to announce that we will have a KIDZ FUN ZONE again this year. This will be a FREE supervised activity area at the start/finish line for kiddo 5 -10 years old. Now GO RUN worry free!!!!! Viola...Your childcare issues have just been resolved!
Event details and schedule
Monday, May 29, 2017
6:00 am Registration Opens
7:30 am 5K – 10K Start
9:00 am Award Ceremony
9:30 am Kids 1K Run
12:00 pm Health & Wellness Expo Closes