Event Description
This is the 5 mile or 5k event - the fifth event in the Summer Six Pack Series - Highlands Ranch. 2016 Highlands Ranch Summer Series Dates: July 31, August 14, August 28, September 18, October 2, October 23
Series participants will enter at their own pace - running a 1 mile race in the first event and adding a mile at each event to complete a full 10k (6.2 Mile) race at the end of the series. This Series is designed for the entry level runner/walker looking to get into foot races in a professional, fun and safe environment without the intimidations of a 'big race.' Participants of all abilities are welcome, rookies or veterans.
Sign up for the package to receive a gender specific Six Pack Tech T. At each race, participants will receive a logo'd pint glass. Participate in all six events and you'll have a colorful six pack of pint glasses.
If you signed up for each of these races individually on race day, you'd pay $195 and not get the Six Pack Tech Tee. Sign up for the package for just $125 AND you get a Tech Tee (and glasses at the races you complete).