Event Description
Level 3 is appropriate if your child:
-Can perform a front and back float independently
-Will jump into 3-4 feet of water without assistance
-Can swim 10yards of elementary backstroke
Recreation Pool at Commerce City Recreation Center
Fundamentals - Tu/Th (age 3-5) (6201.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6201.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - Tu/Th (6201.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 3-5) (6201.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6201.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - Sa (6201.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sat (age 3-5) (6201.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Tu/Th (age 6-12) (6201.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (M/W) (6201.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (T/Th) (6201.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M/W) (6201.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sat (age 3-5) (6201.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Tu/Th (age 6-12) (6201.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (M-F) (6201.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (age 3-5) (6201.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (M/W) (6201.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (T-TH) (6201.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (age 3-5) (6201.106) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (M/W) (6201.106) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.106) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (age 6-12) (6201.107) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (age 6-12) (6201.108) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6201.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6201.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6201.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6201.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - T/TH (6201.201) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6201.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6201.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6201.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6201.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - Sat (6201.202) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6201.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6201.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6201.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - M-F (6201.203) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6201.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6201.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6201.204) within 6 months of activity start
or (level 2) Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6201.205) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6201.205) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6201.205) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.205) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6201.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6201.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6201.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T-TH) (6201.206) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6201.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6201.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.208) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6201.301) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals- age 3-5 (T/TH) (6201.301) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - T/TH (6201.301) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6201.302) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (T/TH) (6201.302) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - Sat (6201.302) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6201.303) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.303) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6201.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (M/W) (6201.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (T/Th) (6201.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6201.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M/W) (6201.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6201.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-Sat (age 3-5) (6201.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals- age 3-5 (Sat) (6201.306) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals- age 3-5 (T/TH) (6201.306) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 3-5) (6202.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 3-5) (6202.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6202.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - Tu/Th (6202.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 3-5) (6202.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Sat (ages 3-5) (6202.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6202.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - Sa (6202.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 6-12) (6202.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M/W) (6202.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6202.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 6-12) (6202.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M/W) (6202.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (age 3-5) (6202.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M/W) (6202.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (age 3-5) (6202.106) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M/W) (6202.106) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.106) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (age 6-12) (6202.107) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (age 6-12) (6202.108) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (age 3-5) (6202.109) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6202.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6202.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6202.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6202.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - M-F (6202.201) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6202.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6202.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6202.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6202.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - T/TH (6202.202) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6202.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6202.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6202.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - Sat (6202.203) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6202.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6202.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6202.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - M-F (6202.204) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6202.205) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6202.205) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6202.205) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.205) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6202.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6202.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6202.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Mon-Fri (age 3-5) (6202.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6202.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals- age 3-5 (M-F) (6202.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6202.208) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6202.208) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6202.209) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.209) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (T/TH) (6202.301) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6202.301) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - T/TH (6202.301) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 -Fundamentals - age 3-5 (T/TH) (6202.302) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 -Fundamentals- T/TH (age 3-5) (6202.302) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - T/TH (6202.302) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.303) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6202.303) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - Sat (6202.303) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (M/W) (6202.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (T/TH) (6202.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6202.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - Sat (6202.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals- Sat (age 3-5) (6202.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M/W) (6202.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 -Fundamentals - age 3-5 (T/TH) (6202.306) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 -Fundamentals - age 3-5 (T/TH) (6202.307) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.308) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (Sat) (6202.309) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 3-5) (6203.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 3-5) (6203.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6203.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - Tu/Th (6203.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages (6-12) (6203.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Sat (ages 3-5) (6203.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6203.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/Th) (6203.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - Sa (6203.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (ages 3-5) (6203.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (M/W) (6203.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 3-5 (Sat) (6203.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Sat (ages 3-5) (6203.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M/W) (6203.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6203.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - Sa (6203.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (ages 6-12) (6203.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M/W) (6203.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6203.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/TH) (6203.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 3-5) (6203.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M/W) (6203.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6203.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (T/TH) (6203.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (ages 3-5) (6203.106) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M/W) (6203.106) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (Sat) (6203.106) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sa (ages 6-12) (6203.107) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6203.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6203.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6203.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Sunfish - M-F (6203.201) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6203.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6203.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6203.202) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6203.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6203.203) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6203.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6203.204) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6204.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6204.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6204.201) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6204.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6204.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6204.202) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6204.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6204.203) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 3-5) (6204.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 3-5 (M-F) (6204.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Tu/Th (age 6-12) (6211.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6211.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Tu/Th (age 6-12) (6211.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6211.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sat (age 6-12) (6211.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M/W) (6211.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M/W) (6211.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals - Sat (age 6-12) (6211.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M/W) (6211.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6211.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M/W) (6211.106) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.106) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6211.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6211.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M-F) (6211.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6211.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6211.201) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6211.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6211.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M-F) (6211.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6211.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6211.202) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6211.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6211.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6211.203) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6211.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6211.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6211.204) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6211.205) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6211.205) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6211.205) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.205) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6211.206) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- T/Th (age 6-12) (6211.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6211.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6211.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12(M-F) (6211.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12(Sat) (6211.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6211.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12(M-F) (6211.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12(Sat) (6211.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6211.208) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6211.208) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.208) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T-TH) (6211.208) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6211.209) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.209) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T-TH) (6211.209) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.210) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6211.211) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6211.301) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (T/TH) (6211.301) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/TH) (6211.301) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6211.302) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.302) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6211.303) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M/W) (6211.303) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (T/Th) (6211.303) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6211.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M/W) (6211.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2- Fundamentals- age 6-12 (Sat) (6211.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6211.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6211.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-Sat (age 6-12) (6211.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (T/TH) (6211.306) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 6-12) (6212.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6212.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 6-12) (6212.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M/W) (6212.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (T-Th) (6212.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Sat (age 6-12) (6212.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M/W) (6212.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M/W) (6212.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6212.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Sat (age 6-12) (6212.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M/W) (6212.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.106) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6212.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6212.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M-F) (6212.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6212.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6212.201) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6212.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6212.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M-F) (6212.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6212.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.202) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6212.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6212.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6212.203) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6212.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6212.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6212.204) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6212.204) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6212.205) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6212.205) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6212.205) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.205) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6212.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6212.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6212.206) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (sat) (6212.206) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6212.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6212.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6212.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.207) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T-TH) (6212.207) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6212.208) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6212.208) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6212.208) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6212.209) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-Sat (age 6-12) (6212.209) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6212.210) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.210) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6212.211) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.211) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6212.213) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (T/TH) (6212.301) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6212.301) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.302) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6212.302) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M/W) (6212.303) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (T/TH) (6212.303) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6212.303) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals- Sat (age 6-12) (6212.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M/W) (6212.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.304) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (T/TH) (6212.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - Sat (age 6-12) (6212.305) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals- T/TH (age 6-12) (6212.306) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (Sat) (6212.307) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 6-12) (6213.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (T/Th) (6213.101) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Tu/Th (ages 6-12) (6213.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6213.102) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M/W) (6213.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (Sat) (6213.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Sat (ages 6-12) (6213.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M/W) (6213.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (Sat) (6213.103) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M/W) (6213.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (Sat) (6213.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (T/TH) (6213.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Sat (ages 6-12) (6213.104) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (Sat) (6213.105) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals - Sat (ages 6-12) (6213.105) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6213.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6213.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M-F) (6213.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6213.201) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6213.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6213.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M-F) (6213.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6213.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M-F) (6213.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M-F) (6213.204) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6214.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6214.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M-F) (6214.201) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6214.201) within 6 months of activity start
or (Level 2) Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6214.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6214.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2 - Fundamentals - age 6-12 (M-F) (6214.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6214.202) within 6 months of activity start
or Fundamentals-M-F (age 6-12) (6214.203) within 6 months of activity start
or Level 2-Fundamentals-age 6-12 (M-F) (6214.203) within 6 months of activity start
Department Staff