Event Description
This "Pawsitively" Fun Run & Walk will be Sunday August 28 2016 at 8am. The race will start at the swim beach. For this race, Humans are mandatory; Dogs are optional but highly encouraged! All dogs must be leashed at all times on a 6 foot leash. The purpose of this event is to encourage visitors to be good stewards of the park by leashing their dogs and cleaning up after them.
Here are some reasons to keep your dog on a leash:
1. It's the law. You can get fined at the park for not obeying leash laws.
2. Just because your dog is friendly, doesn't mean every dog is friendly.
3.When your dog is under control, he's less likely to get into something he's not supposed to.
4. Not everyone your dog meets is interested in meeting your dog. Some people are afraid of dogs or can't physically handle being jumped on.
5. Your dogs has a mind of it's own and may not obey your commands. Off leash dogs may run away to chase wildlife, cars, people or other dogs.
Cleaning up after your dog can be a stinky job, but someone's gotta do it. Constant clean up is necessary for a healthy environment. Here are some reasons to pick up after your dog:
1.Dog feces may contain viruses and parasites that left unattended can contaminate the water, soils and cause infections in pets and humans.
2. Contrary to popular belief, dog feces is no fertilizer and does not provide any benefit to the soil.
3. Pet waste is teaming with E. Coli and other harmful bacteria including fecal coliform bacteria. There are 23 million fecal coliform bacteria in a single gram of pet waste.
4. It's the law.
What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?
Any vehicle driving into the State Park is required to have a park annual pass ($70) or day pass ($8). However, walkers or bicyclists can enter for free.