Event Description
Boston Qualifier! Many marathons claim to be flat and fast, but how many can say they are DOWNHILL and fast! Join us for the 3rd Annual Buckeye Marathon / Half Marathon / 10K/ 5K Run/Obstacle Course. The marathon route features a drop of over 640' from start to finish.
The Buckeye Marathon / Half Marathon /10K/5K/Obstacle Course will take place on December 10, 2016. All distances will end at the Buckeye Municipal Airport. The Half Marathon, 10K, 5K and Obstacle Course will also begin at the airport, with the Marathon course starting at Sun City Festival Baseball Complex in the Sun City Festival community (transportation will be provided from the finish line to the start line for marathon participants).
This event will be run on a certified course (certification #AZ14011JOE) and serve as a Boston Qualifier. All events will be chip timed.
All participants will receive:
• Custom event Dri-Fit Tech T-shirt
• Custom Finisher's Medal
• Pre- and Post-Race "Runner's Brunch"
• Entry into post race festival and celebration
Proceeds will benefit the City of Buckeye Youth Scholarship Fund, giving kids the opportunity to participate in recreational activities throughout the city.
Event details and schedule
Schedule of Events
Friday, December 9
• 3:00pm Packet picket up and late registration at Holiday Inn - Buckeye, located at 445 S. Watson Road, Buckeye AZ 85326
Saturday, December 10
• 7:00am Race Day Packet Pick-up & Registration Opens for Marathon at Festival Foothills
• 8:00am Marathon Begins
• 8:00am Race Day Packet Pick-up & Registration Opens for Half Marathon/5K at Airport
• 9:00am Half Marathon Run Begins
• 9:30am 5K Run Begins
• 10:45am Awards Begin (approximate)
Obstacle Course Information
Join us at the Buckeye Marathon for its first-ever Obstacle course sponsored by CrossFIT Fury. This one-mile family-friendly course will test your agility and strength as you weave through the tire field, crawl through storm pipes, and weave through the spider web obstacle. Multiple obstacles will be onsite to accommodate varying abilities.
The obstacle course will be open from 9:00am to 12:00pm for you and your family to run!!