Event Description
Sprint Triathlon & Duathlon:
This year we are going back to the traditional order of disciplines. The race will start at the swim area next to the Marina. The swim will be in a semi triangle shape ending at the boat launch ramp. After the swim, you will transition to your bike and loop around the lake to then transition back at Lake of the Woods Marina. After the bike, lace up your running shoes and head towards the Great Meadow. The run is a 3 mile trail run, which goes down to the Great Meadow and loops back to the Marina.
Run Course Map.
Bike Course Map
Long Course Triathlon & Duathlon:
This course also begins at the swim area next to the Marina at 9am, with an orientation meeting at 8:45am. You’ll swim 1640 yds or 1500 m. Then transition for a 31 mile bicycle ride over to Fish Lake and back to Lake of the Woods Marina. The run is a 10K that will follow the same course as the sprint tri, doing 2 loops.
Bike Course Map
Bike Course Route Description
Run Course Map.
Open Water Swim
This swim will be the same course as the Long Course triathlon and will start at the same time.
The plan is to setup a semi triangle course and swim it counter clock wise starting at the Marina swim area just off to the right of the Marina if your looking at the lake and ending back at the boat launch.
Kids Triathlon
Age suggestions for this race are from 9-13 but if know your little one can manage the distances then let us know.
It’s about a 100 yd swim starting from the boat dock and swimming to the boat launch. Kids will then transition to a 4ish mile ride that will head over to Sunset boat launch and back. Then they will transition to running for a 1 mile trail run over to Aspen Campground and loops back to Marina. Parents are encouraged to accompany their kids along the course.
Bike Course Map
Run Course Map
Kids Duathlon
This will be the same run and bike course as kids tri. Again parents are encouraged to join their kid’s in the race.
Bike Course Map
Run Course Map
1/2 Marathon
It’s a mix of road, gravel, meadow and single track. The run will start by the Lake of the Woods Marina and follow the trail out to the big meadow. Then it will cross the big meadow and head back over the lake trail. It will follow the lake trail until it comes out onto the road on the other side of the lake. Then it will be on the road ’til about Rainbow Bay where it will connect back to the lake trail and take you back to the Lake of the Woods Marina. Run Course Map
5K Poker Run
This will be the run course of the sprint tri, so it will head towards the Great Meadow and then curve around back to the Marina. Each participant will get a 5 card poker hand by the end of the 5K. The best 3 hands will win cash prizes based on the number of participants.