Event Description
Stroke and Dive Clinics! Butterfly! This one hour stroke clinic will help to strengthen swimmers skills that they feel need more work outside of a normal practice. Advancing swimmer techniques can benefit them by becoming faster and more efficient in the water, which can lead to future meets being more fun and competitive. Stroke Clinics are for 2016 Summer Swim League registered swimmers.
Four different SSL Stroke Clinics to sign up for! Sunday July 10th, 11-12noon at Columbia pool: BREASTSTROKE Sunday July 17th, 11-12noon at Wilson pool: STARTS, TURNS, FINISHES! Sunday July 24th, 11-12noon at Matt Dishman pool: BUTTERFLY! Sunday July 31st, 11-12noon at Creston pool: FREESTYLE and BACKSTROKE!
Age Group
4. Youth (School Age/ 5yrs - 17yrs)
MDCC Pool - Deep at Matt Dishman Community Center Pool