Wildflower Triathlons

2610 San Antonio Rd.
Monterey, CA 93426

Triathlon > Half Ironman, Olympic

Event Description

Since its beginnings in 1983, the Wildflower Triathlons Festival has emerged as the largest multi-day triathlon event in the world, attracting more than 7,500 participants, 35,000 spectators and one of the largest professional fields in the sport.

The Wildflower Triathlons Festival is often referred to as the “The Woodstock of Triathlon” within the triathlon and multi-sport community.

Long Course Triathlon: Saturday, April 30 
(1.2 Mile Swim, 56 Mile Bike, 13.1 Mile Run)

Mountain Bike Triathlon: Saturday, April 30 
(0.25 Mile Swim, 8.5 Mile off-road Bike, 2 Mile Run)

Olympic Distance Triathlon: Sunday, May 1 
(1.5K Swim, 40K Bike, 10K Run).

Sprint Distance Triathlon: Saturday, May 1 
(0.25 Mile Swim, 20K Bike, 5K Run)

Event Location & Accomodations

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