Event Description
America unite! Bring your teamwork and all you've got this September 11. Run for your country, your hero, in remembrance of someone, or just to support all those hero's that keep us safe both at home and abroad.
Opening ceremonies begin at 7:30a with a 21 gun salute, taps by the local VFW and the Star Spangled Banner. Following the completion of the last 5 k wave our Military, Veterans, Police, Fire, Sheriff join in our Victory Mile Lap as we salute you for all your efforts to keep our country safe, then the ladies of Quilts of Honor will present 10 military heroes with handmade quilts by volunteers.
Competitors! Over 40 obstacles to challenge your fitness! Walls, Climbs, Weights, Crawls, Swim, Jump, Run, Slide and Carry your way through the course.
GAH is the first obstacle run with modified obstacles for ALL fitness levels. 10K “Elite” waves for those in top competitive fitness and 5K & 10K course with varying levels of obstacles at each site. The 5K & 10K start out traversing obstacles through the nature trails with varying terrain. The 10K takes it across the lake for an additional 5K of intermediate obstacles in the center island, then back across the lake and out the gate to the levee for some of nature’s grueling challenges before finishing up with one more lap around the lake, over another series of obstacles and to the finish line. (For the less than strong swimmers, there will be a rope tow across the lake to aid in crossing)
“Elite Waves” limited to first 200 participants registering for “Elite” and will have an opportunity of winning cash prizes for top male/female and Great American Hero bragging rights.
Each participant will receive a custom tech event shirt, timing chip, swag bag, raffle prizes, finishers medal, and one FREE beer. Parking is included in registration fees.
New this Year.. Chip timing for official finish times.
Spectators are FREE and encouraged to come and root on their competitor. Bring a chair or blanket and COME for the RUN and stay for the FUN!
Event benefits Semper Fi Fund and United Way of San Joaquin. Additional donations may be made online during registration.
Event details and schedule
Registration check in begins at 6:30a, opening ceremonies at 7:30a with the Elite Wave at 7:45a.
10K waves begins at 8:00a; 5K waves begin at 8:15a. Victory Lap of Honor at 10:00a followed by presentation of quilts.
The 5K course is a grueling trail run with beginner to intermediate obstacles through the riparian habitat with varying terrain. The 10K course begins with the grueling 5K trail run, then breaks off and crosses 250 ft lake to a center island with multiple advanced obstacles,including 12 ft. wall, rope climb, 50lb weight pull, back across another 250 ft of lake, out to the levee and traversing more advanced obstacles.
Awards for the top finisher in the ELITE 10K will be after last wave. Top finisher male/female receive $150 ea top male/female finisher along with title of "Great American Hero" and bragging rights.
Packet pickup will be at Fleet Feet in Lincoln Center, Stockton on Saturday Sept. 10 from 10a-1p. You may also pickup day of event. Lines will be long so arrive early.
-Bring change of clothes, towel and plastic bag for ride home. 10K course includes water. Changing rooms available.
Bag check available but leave valuables at home or locked in cars. Eagal Lakes is not responsible for lost or stolen items... that would ruin the FUN.
Bring your attitude and some extra cash for food, beer and vendors on site. Rock on after party with DJ Chago!
Limited ATM services.
Down load, print and bring waivers and ID day of packet pickup.