Event Description
50th Augúst Road Race, Montana's Second Oldest Footrace. 3.8 mile point-to-point fast course (mostly dirt road). Starts at 7:15 PM at intersection of Head Ln. and Country Club Ave. First 100 registered will receive a commemorative gift celebrating a half-century of racing. Race day registration only (opens at 6:30 PM, near the starting line). $5 entry fee, with 100% of proceeds going to youth cross-country programs. This is the ultimate, minimalist, no frills race -- who needs t-shirts, numbers, awards, or door prizes, when you can have fast times, accurate results, friendly volunteers, loads of tradition, and a warm feeling for supporting a worthy cause? Contact: Patrick Judge, 406/459-5838, pljudge@bresnan.net “au-gúst - adj. marked by majestic dignity or grandeur” - Webster Map: http://www.mapmyrun.com/us/helena-valley-west-central-mt/august-road-race-route-4079868