Event Description
Shades of Pink Foundation California and Road Runner Sports will host Shades of Pink Foundation California’s first annual run/walk 5K fundraiser on Saturday, May 2, 2015 in Kearny Mesa near the Road Runner Sports location at 5553 Copley Drive. Participants will check in at 8:00am on race day and cross the start line at 9:00am for what is sure to be a positive, celebratory morning.
Racing for the Pink 5K will be held in partnership with Nike Running, Scripps Health, and Sharp HealthCare. Volunteers including members of the Junior League of San Diego will be staffing the event to ensure that it runs smoothly, and cheerleaders will push runners to the finish line.
Virtual runners who are unable to be physically present at the race are encouraged to donate on the same race page or on the charity website at http://shadesofpinkfoundationca.org/.
Funds raised will go to support Shades of Pink Foundation California’s mission to help local women battling breast cancer. Shades of Pink Foundation of California provides temporary financial assistance to California women who are undergoing active breast cancer treatment and are experiencing financial distress as a result of their diagnosis. Shades of Pink Foundation California works with local hospitals, including Scripps Health and Sharp HealthCare, to connect with cancer patients in need.
Shades of Pink Foundation California strives to help as many patients in need as possible, and the more runners who participate on May 2nd, the more cancer patients Shades of Pink Foundation California will be able to support. Nike Running shirts bearing Shades of Pink Foundation California’s logo will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis on race day with a same day donation.
Shades of Pink Foundation California is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
To learn more about Shades of Pink Foundation California’s Racing for the Pink 5K, please contact Kas Gallucci at 760.822.9989 or at kas@shadesofpinkfoundationca.org.
We look forward to seeing you at Road Runner Sports in San Diego on May 2nd!