Event Description
The 7th Annual Runner’s Edge Ladies Night is coming up on Tuesday, October 18, 2016, 6:30pm. This evening features a raffle, Oiselle fashion show, a motivational speaker (Gina Lucrezi of Trail Sisters), 20% off sale* and, for the first time ever, an auction with all proceeds going to Five Valleys Land Trust.
If you attended last year, you know that this event has a registration fee of $20. We take this fee and give it directly back to a non-profit. We've decided to support Five Valleys Land Trust, a local, nationally accredited organization whose staff, members, donors and volunteers work hard to protect the landscape and culture of Western Montana. You can also help FVLT financially by clicking on the Donation button on the Sign Up page.
We want to thank you for signing up, attending Ladies Night and supporting FVLT. We can't wait to see you on October 18th!
*20% off including sale items / 10% off electronics. This event is limited to 100 women. We're sorry but no refunds for this event.