Event Description
Packet Pickup:
When: Wednesday (11/22) from 1-6pm
Location: MJC's gym off Coldwell Avenue
Race day morning up to 30 minutes before the start of the first kid's race
***All Proceeds Benefit MJC's Track and Field and Cross Country Programs
Exercise with friends and family before indulging on your Thanksgiving meal!
Course: The 3.1 mile course is on a paved path with some grass and dirt. Please no strollers, headphones, or dogs in the 5K run.
The 1/2 mile kids run will be on grass, 1/4 of a mile out and 1/4 of a mile back.
Gobbler Walk: An event for just walkers on the same 5k course. Strollers/dogs are welcomed.
Awards: Given to the top three male/female kids in 1/2 mile fun run. All kids who participate will receive a medal.
Top 3 finishers in 5k fun run in age groups:
0-13, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+
Overall male and female finishers will receive a medal.
There will be no official results for the Gobbler Walk, but a timer will be displayed at the separate Gobbler Walk finish line for your convenience.
Post race refreshments will be available.
T-shirts will be provided and will be guaranteed to the first 1200 entrants.