Event Description
The 2017 6th annual Cady Tucker Run in the Spirit is family oriented and seeks to help ensure that everyone is made aware of the extreme importance of safe driving so children are Alive at 25. Cady, my beautiful 11-year-old, was killed in a head-on collision caused by a driver with uncontrolled blood sugar. ALL proceeds go toward the purchase of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) for local schools. Cady was not given any emergency medical treatment after the crash because of lack of awareness. Please help Cady achieve her dream of making the world a better place by supporting this run and its goals of helping to build awareness of the importance of fitness and the need to be FIT TO DRIVE every time you get behind the wheel.
We will be having our popular 5-mile relay again. Relay teams need to register by July 1st to give us time to get all of the different colored tee shirts ordered and printed.
We will also print uniquely colored tee shirts for groups of 11 or more. Please call me (Pat) if you're in that category: (208) 569-4157.
Thanks, and so looking forward to meeting all of you!
Event details and schedule
We meet at Snake River Landing at 7:30 a.m. At 8 a.m. the 5-mile relay begins. At 9 a.m., the 5K walk/run and 5-mile run begins. At 10 a.m., the Kids Fun Run begins. All events are at Snake River Landing, 901 Pier View Drive, Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Packet pickup at Bill's Bike and Run, 930 Pier View Drive, Idaho Falls, at 1 p.m. on Fri., July 21, 2017.
Every penny of proceeds is used to purchase automated external defibrillators (AEDs) for local schools. Cady Tucker, my daughter, and namesake for the run was killed at only age 11 in a massive head-on collision caused by a driver with uncontrolled blood sugar. To make matters even worse, because of lack of awareness, Cady received no emergency medical treatment. Your support of this great cause will help ensure that this unnecessary tragedy never occurs again.