Event Description
Come join like-minded fitness lovers and Pokémon experts in a battle to be the top Pokémon 5K runner in the Sacramento area. Even if you find yourself unsure about Pokémon and/or fitness, this is a great opportunity to come try something new and get a fun-loving introduction into the Pokémon world!
This run will take place at the Folsom Lake State Recreiation Area (SRA) in Granite Bay CA, and will feature the regular 5k age groupings, with the first, second and third place winners receiving a Pokémon medal and the participant who catches the rarest Pokémon receiving a medal and dry-fit t-shirt pronouncing them as the best PokéRun 5K trainer!!
Event details and schedule
Location Details
When: November 5, 2016 Time: 8:30 A.M. (7:00 A.M. Late Registration & Packet Pickup)
Where: Folsom Lake SRA , 8000 Douglas Blvd, Granite Bay, CA 95746
Parking: There is ample parking located right in front of the event location.
Run Details
*Due to safety concerns, we strongly discourage our runners from looking at their phones while actively running. We do not want any accidents due to "distracted running."
We encourage participants to put the Pokémon Go app on vibrate (this option is located in the Pokémon Go settings). When Pokémon pop up, your phone will vibrate. Participants will be required to stop running and step completely off the trail to catch that Pokémon.
Please, for your safety and the safety of others, refrain from running while looking at your phone.*
5k Schedule:
7:00 A.M: Late Registration & Packet Pickup
8:30 A.M: Run Starting Time
9:30 A.M. -10:00 A.M: Snacks & Socializing
Code of Conduct
This event is for all ages and is designed to foster a fun and a healthy lifestyle. If any of our participants or spectators exibit any sort of unsportsman like behavior, they will immiedeatly be asked to leave the premesis and will no longer be eligible to recieving any type of award or prizes. Please treat others with respect and keep the competition fun!