Event Description
It's the TRADITION before the TRADITION. In its 12th year in a row, the Scott Valley Schools' Turkey Trot allows family and friends to start Thanksgiving Day the HEALTHY WAY, and support both the Fort Jones and Etna Elementary Schools. Events in clude a 5K run or walk, and a 10K run. Courses are paved and gravel with slight rolling hills. Offering snacks, hot beverages, ribbons for all kids, and age group awards in 1st - 3rd places for children and adults - there's something for everyone. Event t-shirts are ONLY included for the first 300 registered participants.
Event details and schedule
Packet Pickup will be held on November 18th from 1pm - 6pm at Fort Jones Elementary School.
Race Day registration begins at 8am and races start at 9am.
Events start at the corner of Hamlin Gulch and Eastside Road. From the Chevron Station in Fort Jones, turn onto Eastside Road, drive approx. 3 miles, and park in the barn lot.
Races will be held regardless of weather.
Heaters will be at the registration area to help keep participants warm.