April 9, 2017 the 13th Annual Tribe Multisport Bartlett Lake Olympic & Sprint Triathlon/Duathlon

20808 E Bartlett Dam Rd.
Rio Verde, AZ 85263

Triathlon > Olympic, Sprint

Registration Powered by Active.com

Event Description

Adult Olympic Tri: 1500 m Swim, 24.8 mi Bike, 6 mi Run Adult Sprint Tri: 500 m Swim, 12.8 mi Bike; 2.2 mi Run, Adult Sprint PLUS: 1000 m. swim, 12.8 mi bike, 4 mi Run Adult Sprint Duathlon: 2.2 mi. run, 12.8 mi. bike, 2.2 mi. run Adult Olympic Relay teams = Same distances as Olympic listed above LOOKING FOR A CHALLENGE, THIS RACE IS RANKED THE TOUGHEST MOST BEAUTIFUL TRIATHLON IN ARIZONA!!!!


WHERE: Bartlett Lake (Rattlesnake Cove), Scottsdale, AZ. Take 1-17 North to Carefree Highway, East on Carefree Highway to Pima road, North on Pima to Cave Creek rd. East on Cave Creek road to Bartlett Lake, Rattlesnake Cove exit.


WHEN: Race starts approx. 7:00/7:30 am with the Adult Sprint & Olympic Triathlon and Duathlon. ALL ENTRANTS MUST HAVE  THEIR BIKES IN THE TRANSITION AREA NO LATER THAN 6:00/6:15AM

AWARDS: Five deep in all age & team categories. Awards presentation onsite.                                          

REGISTRATION: Registration Packet pick-up on Saturday April 8th is HIGHLY recommended at Tribe Multisport, from 2pm to 5pm at 7624 E Indian School Rd, Ste 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85251.  All entrants MUST sign a LIABILITY WAIVER. THERE IS WILL BE A ($8) per vehicle PARK ENTRANCE FEE  that is included  in your entry fee ONLY if you pick up  your packet pick up on Saturday at Tribe  Multisport, Otherwise you will have to pay $10 onsite


Event details and schedule

SPONSORS: Bartlett Lake Regional Park, Landis Cyclery, Carlos O’Brien’s, Tribe Multisports, M & J Trophies, Sole Sports, and Tri-Family Racing

MAIL ENTRY FORMS & CHECKS TO: Tri-Family Racing, PO Box 86867, Phoenix, AZ, 85080-6867 “Make checks payable to Tri-Family Racing” 

Event Location & Accomodations

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