Event Description
Join us for the 2nd Annual Love & Light 10K, a race to honor the spirit of Breckenridge runner, student and beloved local, Lauren Hoover. The race will take place under a full moon (or as close to full as we can get it!) on June 10th, 2017.
Runners will follow the Summit County Rec Path & River Trail, amidst various kinds of illumiation on an out and back course. Each distance will have it's respecitve turnaround point, with all three races finishing back in Breckenridge. Runners will all be given lights/glow items to wear while running. The race will follow one of Lauren's favorite running routes, along the rec path out and back finishing at Colorado Mountain College in Breckenridge!
The finish line will be a festival of lights & music to welcome you as you complete your run.
Celebrate the beautiful spirit of Lauren Hoover with us as we remember her with love and light!
Event details and schedule
More event details coming soon!!!! Here's what we know:
- 8pm start on June 10th
- Runner briefing at Colorado Mountain College at 7:45pm on June 10th
- Packet Pick Up at Vertical Runner Breckenridge on June 9th from 4-7pm and at Colorado Mountain College on Saturday June 10th from 6-7:30pm.
- We encourage runners to wear something PINK (Lauren's favorite color)
- The more lit up you are, the better! We encourage headlamps, reflectors and LED lights on runners (for light and for your safety)!