Event Description
Join us for the 26th annual Frost Fever Frozen Frolic 5K/1mi fun run/walk/wheel along the Riverfront Trail System! Register by Jan. 8 for a discounted price and the guarantee of WinterFest! Great prize drawings and awards for the top finishers in each category! All racers get a 50% off Currents coupon good during the Frost Fever weekend...warm up in the sparkling spa after the race with friends!
Event details and schedule
Race: Saturday, January 28, 2017
10.00am - Run/Walk 5K & 1mi start
Bib/Packet Pick-Up: Early bib pick-up at Currents Aquatics Center (McCormick Park) from 4-6pm Friday, Jan. 27 or day of race from 8:30-9:30am, Saturday, Jan. 28.
Meets at: McCormick Park
Ages/Categories: All ages! Male and Female categories: 8 and under, 9-12, 13-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+, Open Walk
Early Registration: $25.00 by 5pm Sunday, Jan. 8
Late Registration: $30.00, Monday, Jan. 9 through Saturday, Jan. 28
Register: Register on-line at www.active.com (search for Frost Fever), at Currents Aquatics Center in McCormick Park or call 721-PARK (7275). All participants must complete a registration form, available online @ http://www.ci.missoula.mt.us/221/Runs-Special-Events, or in the Currents lobby.