Event Description
The Tonto Basin 100/50 is one of the most Beautifulest rides that I would have never seen. If a Friend had not insisted on me riding it. The ride takes place on the scenic round trip course in the spring of the year along I-188. It will start at the Tonto Basin Gas station and wind pass the roosevelt lake on your left and the historical Roosevelt Dam on your Right. while continuing the ride you will come upon the National Tonto Basin Monument. There are two major hills along this curvey road that will lead you to the Tonto Basin Rec Center where we will stop for Lunch. The round trip back to Tonto Basin with cascading mountains laid out before you. The freedom of the ride between Maricopa and Gila County is as breathtaking as it it challenging.
This event will includes two fully stocked SAG vehicles, Lunch, a Group Picture and many great photo ops. This event is limited to 20 riders, so register early to ensure a spot.
Event details and schedule
Welcome to Tonto Basin 100/50
This is a 100/50 mile ride. That is designed for the advanced cyclist and any rider that is willing to do the training to complete this ride.
When: Sunday, April 2, 2017
Time: 6:30 AM
Where: Tonto Basin Market
Tonto Basin
Pumpkin Center, AZ 85750
The Tonot Basin 100/50 is an out and back ride. Starting at the Tonto Basin Market. Stopping every 15 t0 20 miles to replinish your nutrition in order to keep you fuled for a great ride.
You will need to bring with you at least 2 water bottles. Dress in layers for the weather. The Sag will be there incase you want to peel off a layer or two during the day. Lunch will be served at the Turn around before heading back to the finish.
Things to bring with you: At least 2 water bottles, all of your biking gear, dress in layers for the weather, and any special things that you feel that you may need.
The most inportant thing to bring with you is the Desire to ride and enjoy a great day of some of the most beautiful road less traveled by Bike.
Thank You
LaVerne Lindsey