Event Description
Join us for the 4th annual bRUNch Run on Sunday, October 8th!
The bRUNch Run is truly a unique race experience, from start to finish that guarantees your appetite for food, fitness, and fun will be fed! Start your morning off on the right foot with a timed 5K and 10K run (walk, skip, stroll) followed by the best brunch bites + libations that Colorado has to offer. There will be live music, lawn games, incredible giveaways, an awesome medal, and even a commemorative cup to take home!
This year, the bRUNch Run will feature 25+ local eateries and beer from Great Divide Brewing Company, libations from Barefoot Wines, Tito’s Handmade Vodka, The Real Dill, and non-alcoholic beverages from Health-ade Kombucha and Logan House Coffee.
A detailed list of all participating restaurants will be announced later this summer.
This is a family friendly event and that includes your two-legged and even your four legged kiddos!
Event details and schedule
Race Weekend Info
Read up and make it to the best party ready to run and eat!. Make sure to join us on Facebook to connect with other participants, ask questions, and get instant event updates.
Packet Pickup
Pick up your bib number, timing tag, gear check bag and shirt at Runners Roost (1685 S. Colorado Blvd. Denver CO 80222) on Saturday, October 7th from 0:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Official race merchandise is available at packet pickup.
Race Day
If you are unable to make it to the packet pickup on Saturday, October 7th, runners will be able to pick up their race bib on race morning, October 8th. Visit the Packet Pickup Area at the entrance to the festival area starting at 7:30 a.m.
Please make sure to bring your ID and it will be checked at the entrance. This is where you will be wristband.
Race Day Parking
Parking on Sunday, October 8th is available throughout the neighborhood of Stapleton and by the Stapleton Recreation Center. We encourage you to carpool as parking can become limited.
Gear Check
Gear Check will be available for the race. On race morning, bring your Gear Bag to the Greenbox Self-Storage Truck. Do not leave valuables or cash in your gear bag. The event staff and volunteers are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Start Times
Please head to the start area at 9:15 a.m. to begin lining up! The 10K will start first at 9:30 a.m. with the 5K lining up immediately afterwards and starting at 9:40 a.m.
If you are running with a stroller or a dog, please start in the back of the pack.
Course Time Limit
The official course time limit is 2 hours and 30 minutes as the party wraps up at 12:00 p.m.
Medical Information
The Medical Team is dedicated group of medical professionals available to help you. Ambulance will be located next to gear check.
Porto Potties
Portable toilets will be located in the parking lot.
Volunteers Need
Volunteers are needed at Packet Pickup and Race Day. If you, friends or family want a free registration or festival ticket, volunteer and receive an official Race Crew T-shirt and swag! Sign up online.
Finish Line Festival
After you cross the finish line it is time to celebrate! Finish line will lead you directly into the festival area! This festival is included in your registration and is not open to the public. Festival ends at
Non-Runners/Spectators and The Festival Area
Everyone will need a bib or wristband to enter the festival area. If you have friends or family that would like to meet you in the festival area, they will need to purchase a ticket. Children under the age of 5 do not need to purchase a ticket.
Celebrate with Great Divide Brewing Co., The Real Dill, Tito’s Handmade Vodka, and Barefoot Wines
Every finisher over the age 21 will be able to enjoy complimentary Great Divide Beer Bar, Bloody Mary Bar, Mimosa Bar, and cocktails. Important note: State law requires your photo ID to be checked on race day. No ID, no morning libations.
Lost & Found and Information Booths
The Information Booth is the giant yellow bRUNch Running tent at the entrance of the festival. Any valuable items NOT claimed at the tent by 12:00 p.m. will be returned to the bRUNch Running office in Denver. To claim a lost item after the event, please email info@brunchrunning.com.
Results & Awards
Official race results will be posted by 7:00 p.m. on October 8th on the website. Top 3 overall awards will be announced at the race at 11:30 a.m. Prizes will not be mailed. You must be present to claim your swag!
Photos will be posted to Facebook within one week of the race.
Stay and Play in Denver
Visit our travel page to book your discounted hotel accommodations.
Official Hotel Partner
The Westin Denver Downtown
1672 Lawrence Street, Denver CO 80202
Featured Nonprofit Partner
Metro Caring is Denver’s leading hunger-prevention organization on the front lines. Simultaneously fighting hunger and promoting sustainability, Metro Caring annually receives and redistributes over 2.3 million pounds of nutritious food (72% fresh) - a majority of which would otherwise have gone to waste. Metro Caring’s holistic approach to ending hunger includes a free, fresh-foods market, nutrition and gardening education, and tools for self-sufficiency such as the Seeds for Success job-training program, financial literacy education and state-wide ID procurement.
Thank you to our sponsors! Runners Roost Colorado, Great Divide Brewing Company, Logan House Coffee Co., Tito's Handmade Vodka, The Real Dill, Health-ade Kombucha, Barefoot Wines, The Westin Denver Downtown, Corepower Yoga, Eldorado Spring Water, and Greenbox Self Stoage.