Event Description
July 10-11, 2020
Bootleg Canyon - Rainbow Gardens - Whitney Mesa
It will be a HELL of a good time!! Come run three races and earn up to four medals!! You earn one medal for each race and a fourth if you do all three!!
We are sticking with the "Lucky in Vegas" theme with the numbers 7 and 21! This race begins on the 10th day of the 7th month at 7 PM. Runners will either run a 7K or 7-miler during each race. If you run all three, you will have run a Lucky 21K or Lucky 21-miler!
The first race takes place on the trails in beautiful Bootleg Canyon at 7 PM. The second race takes place at 7 AM on the trails in the breathtaking Rainbow Gardens in Las Vegas. The final race takes place at 7 PM at majestic Whitney Mesa in Henderson (about 15 minutes outside of Las Vegas.) We are working on finalizing an award ceremony, pizza party, and swim party to end the race series at Whitney Ranch.
Bootleg Canyon | 07/10/2020 | 07:00PM |
Rainbow Gardens | 07/11/2020 | 07:00AM |
Whitney Mesa | 07/11/2020 | 07:00PM |
Each event will have a 7M and a 7K option.
Run a single event or all three and get in 21M or 21K!
Event details and schedule