Event Description
Held in conjunction with our annual March for Babies, Run for Babies and March for babies brings together thousands of people from your community to support programs that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies. And it funds research to find answers to the problems that threaten our babies.
Phoenix Run for Babies is a chip-timed and measured 5K through the streets of downtown Phoenix, beginning and ending at the State Capitol. Competitive runners will have the opportunity to compete for one of our custom medals, given to top overall finishers and top finishers within designated age groups. After the race, we invite you to join the over 8,000 walkers and eat a picnic lunch while enjoying live entertainment. Meet up with your family to partake in activities in the Kids' Zone and make plans to visit the Mission Tent to learn more about how March of Dimes has been helping babies for more than 75 years.
While Run for Babies is held in conjunction with March for Babies and we invite runners to partake in all of the festivities, we have implemented the following measures to ensure the two events do not conflict for participating runners and/or walkers:
- Run for Babies registration will have a designated, separate day-of registration area
- Run for Babies will commence 15 minutes prior to March for Babies
- Run for Babies will have a separate finish line
First 150 registered participants will recieve a Run for Babies t-shirt.
For more information, please contact the Phoenix office at: 602.287-9920 or wwillock@marchofdimes.org.
Event details and schedule
Early Packet Pickup
Packets will be available on Thursday, April 6th and Friday, April 7th between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the local March of DImes office:
March of Dimes Phoenix
3550 N. Central Avenue, Suite 610
Phoenix, AZ 85012
* Visitor parking is located behind the building. Enter through the back of the building - the office is located just off of the elevator on the 6th floor.
Event Day Schedule
6:30 a.m. Registration & Packet Pickup
7:45 a.m. Official Race Start
The main event takes place at Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza. Run for Babies Registration will be located on South 17th Avenue. Parking is available in area-surrounding surface lots - no parking garage access. Please be mindful of road closures as you plan your morning. A detailed parking map will be provided to all registered runners.