Event Description
Our third annual Love Our Kids 5k Run, benefiting the Strathmore Boys and Girls Club, is a timed event scheduled for Saturday, February 18th, 2017 at the expansive Porterville Sports Complex. Walkers are welcome to participate. Since this event raises funds for our youth, family groups are encouraged to participate. A maximum of four free child registrations per one paid adult registration is allowed. Unique medals will be awarded to the first through third place finishers in various age divisions. Costumes are optional, however, there will be special prizes for Valentine themed attire. The first 150 adult registrants (14 and over) are guaranteed our exclusive 2017 Love Our Kids t-shirt and a goodie bag. Race Directors: Adele Sanchez - Gail Grasmick
Event details and schedule
- Adult registration fee:$30 - participants 22 and over
- Student registration fee:$20 - ages 14 to 21
- Child registration: free - 13 and under with onsite completed waiver. Maximum of four child registrations per one adult registration.
- Online registration deadline Wednesday, February 15th
- Onsite registration available
- Waivers completed at time of online or onsite registration
- Free parking available at the Porterville Sports Complex
- Check-in and packet pick-up: 8:30 am day of event
- Race time: 9:00 am, rain or shine (no refunds)
- Valentine themed costumes are encouraged but not required