Event Description
Join Girls on the Run - building healthy, confident girls Build your daughter's confidence through running! A team of 5th grade girls will make new friends, build their confidence and leadership skills, and celebrate all that makes them unique. Each practice consists of a movement-based lesson, games, and a running workout. The season culminates with a 5K run in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, scheduled for Sunday, May 7, 2017! (supplies, t-shirt, water bottle, and entry into the 5K are included with the program.) Practices are held twice per week and participants should plan to attend both days, for a total of 20 practices.
Girls on the Run actively recruits volunteer coaches. We provide all training, lesson plans, workouts, and materials to enable to success. If you or someone you know (18+) is interested in coaching, please check out www.gotrbayarea.org or email Hanna at hbernard@gotrbayarea.org.