Event Description
Introducing a 10K course for the 2015 Triunfo Y Goblin Gallop. The Triunfo Y Goblin Gallop 10K, 5K Run and 1-Mile Fun Run is part of the afternoon and evening Westlake Village City Celebration. The Goblin Gallop is a Halloween-themed twilight run featuring a costume contest and out and back course. The event includes a 1-mile Trick or Treat Fun Run followed by a 10K run and 5K run. Goblin Gallop runners are encouraged to run/walk wearing their favorite costume. Prizes will be awarded to the best costumes seen on the course. Kids participating in the 1-mile Trick or Treat Fun Run will be able to “visit” the numerous Trick or Treat stations along the course. Event proceeds will help support the Triunfo Y Teen and Family Programs. The Goblin Gallop is part of the YMCA Run for Your Community Series. More information on how you can participate in the series is available on the Run Series page.