Maupin's Ride Row Run - R3

304 Bakeoven Rd.
Maupin, OR 97037


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Event Description

The Ride-Row-Run is a fantastically fun adventure.  Do it as a solo, or get some friends together and enter a relay team.  The community has many great activities to keep you entertained for the entire weekend -- so come out and play!  Camping is available at next to the start/finish.  Fun for kids too!

Event details and schedule

Race number pick-up and late registration will take place in the park, downtown Maupin, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Saturday, September 16th.  If you cannot make packet pick-up on Saturday, late check-in will be available on Sunday morning beginning at 7:00 AM.

Event Location & Accomodations

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