Jersey Devil Metric Century 2023

855 Parvin Mill Rd.
Pittsgrove, NJ 08318

Cycling > Metric Century

Registration Powered by

Event Description

The SOUTH JERSEY WHEELMEN welcome you to this great day on your bike! We have plenty of parking, a great picnic lunch (meatball sandwiches, hotdogs, salads, baked goods, etc)  and a beautiful park for a walk after the ride.

Cue sheets, painted route marks, sag wagon service and water/food stops are provided. For this ride we have indoor bathrooms at registration and the main food stop. 

Event details and schedule

*Active adds ~$3.25 to your cost.
 Active registration closes: 11 pm the Thur before the event. 

If riding full century, begin riding by 9:00am. All services stop at 4p.
Helmets Required - Audio Headsets Prohibited

Event Location & Accomodations

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