Event Description
- Contact: Georgiana Boewer at gboewer@gmail.com 831 214-0484
- Fee: $195
- ALL abilities are encouraged to attend. Dave has the unique ability to put beginning walkers at ease while getting them up to speed, while at the same time challenging more advanced racewalkers to excel.
- Please register early! Some clinics fill up early; others are subject to cancellation if fewer than 12 participants are registered within two weeks of the clinic. Also, if enough people sign up early Dave can arrange for special guest instructors to help out. Want an Olympian at your clinic? Sign up early!
- Recent guest clinicians and coaches have included Olympic silver medalist Aigars Fadejevs, 3-time Olympian Philip Dunn, 2-time Olympian Tim Seaman, US Women's American 50k Record-Holder Susan Armenta, Australian Commonwealth Games and World Cup team member Simone Wolowiec, Biomechanist/shoe designer, and World and Pan American Racewalk Cup team member Ian Whatley, World and Pan American Racewalk Cup Team member Dan Serianni, US National Team and Pan American Racewalk Cup Team members Loretta Schuellein-McGovern and Susan Randall, US National Team member Carolyn Kealty, US 75-Kilometer and 50-Mile Racewalk Record-Holder Augie Hirt, US Women's 50-Mile and 100-Mile Racewalk Record-Holder Lizzy Salvato, and four-time US World Cup Team member Steve Pecinovsky.
- When availabe, free merchandise and drawings from Brooks Shoes, Polar Heart Rate Monitors, and more!
- Typical clinic schedule
- Dave's Bio
Event details and schedule
Tentative Agenda:
Saturday, 9:00am—Track session. Warm-ups, then technique sessions and flexibility/technique drills; shoe store “field trip”. 1:00pm-4:00pm--Lunch break, then in-classroom technique talk and video review session, followed by a short track workout. Sunday, 8:00am – 12:00pm—Morning training talk, then session w/ heart rate monitoring, followed by lunch.
1:00pmpm-4:00—Heart rate results, racewalk/marathon walking training lecture, then wrap-up