Event Description
The Mutt Strut 5K is BACK supporting the Lexington Humane Society.
SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 2024 at 9:00AM at COLDSTREAM DOG PARK (Northwest Lexington Area)
Route will be the traditional 1.55 mile out and back on the paved Legacy Trail. Timing will be provided by RaceRise with awards presented for the Top 3 M/F Overall Finishers (No age groups). Walkers and Runners of all abilities, strollers and dogs on fixed length leashes are welcomed to join the fun. There will also be the Mutt Strut 1.5 Mile Walk (untimed) taking place at 10:30am.
PACKET PICKUP The race will conduct 5K packet pickup onsite on race morning from 8-9am near the Start/Finish area.