Event Description
The Caveman 5K Roar and Pour is the 4th Annual Cave B Estate Winery Trail Fun Run and Wine Tasting Event.
The Trail Fun Run starts at 11 AM. Cave B Resort is an amazing place, located on a beautiful property in Quincy, Washington overlooking the Columbia River Gorge. This trail run wanders through the Cave B Familigia Vineyards, through the sage dotted desert plateau and along the cliffs overlooking the Columbia River. It is an event for all levels: walker, joggers, runners - a fantastic training run, beautiful views and chance to get out and enjoy the majesty of the land and nature. At 10 AM prior to the Caveman 5K Roar and Pour Trail Fun Run will be a Carol's Cabernet Loop Kid's Run. Even if the exercise part isn't your thing, we'd love to have you join us as a fan roaring and cheering the participants and sampling our wonderful award winning wines. Throughout the afternoon we will be pouring our fantastic Cave B Estate Wines featuring several new vintages on the event day Saturday March 18th, 2017. Come join us at Cave B for the Run, for the Roar - cheering others on, and/or for the Pour – tasting our fine Washington State Cave B Estate grown wines.
Cave B Estate Winery has chosen to partner with the Quincy Valley Medical Center Foundation again this year to raise funds for the Emergency Medical Services at our local Quincy Valley Medical Center. Please consider donating to give back and say thanks. All sponsorship and donation dollars raised will go directly to the Quincy Valley Medical Center Foundation. You may make a donation here or contact the foundation directly at Foundation@quincy hospital.org, (509) 787-5367, www.quincyhospital.org. Sponsors of QVMC defined pledge levels made prior to Feb 20th with be named on the race T-shirts.
Quincy Valley Medical Center is a medical complex composed of a 25 bed Critical Access Hospital, a Rural Health Clinic, a Physical Therapy practice, and a Level IV Trauma Center Emergency Department. The department treats over 3,700 patient emergencies each year. Funds provided by sponsors and generous donor will be used for equipment and facility improvements that are otherwise not funded.
For fun we have a team option. Get together a group of friends, co-workers, or family members and make the event your own. Four or more constitutes a team. Fun prizes will be awarded in a variety of categories for individuals and teams:
- First Finisher (no official clock)
- Best "Roar" at the finish
- Best Caveman and/or Cavewoman costume
- Best team theme and spirit (four or more runners)
- Best human and dog costume combination
- Taking a Tumble and Roaring Prize
- and more!
Executive Chef Tyler Krost from Tendrils Restaurant at Cave B will provide the Boxed Lunches available for purchase at the time of registration.
Cave B, locate in the center of Washington state, ~2.5 hours from Seattle just head east on I-90, ~45 minutes from Ellensburg, about an hour from Wenatchee down WA-28 and WA 281 or ~2 hours from Spokane heading west on 1-90. Come on over, join in the run and the fun. Come for the day or stay for the weekend. RV Overnight parking available (inquires ParkandRV@caveb.com) or book a room at the Cave B Resort by contacting www.cavebinn.com.
See you there,
Cave B Estate Winery Team
Event details and schedule
- Registration Nov 1 through Feb 28, 2017: Online at www.Active.com or in person at Cave B Estate Winery Quincy or Woodinville Tasting Rooms
- Late registration Feb 28 - March 14th: Online at www.Active.com or in person at Cave B Estate Winery Quincy or Woodinville Tasting Rooms (T-shirt no longer guaranteed)
- Online Registration Closes March 14th at 9 PM
- Race Day Onsite Registration 8:30-10:30 AM March 18th: Cave B Estate Winery Quincy, WA
- Packet Pick-up Friday March 17th 1PM-5PM and Race Day March 18th 8:30-10:30 AM: Cave B Estate Winery
- Start Time Kid's Run - Carol's Cabernet Loop - 10:00 AM March 18th, 2017
- Start Time Caveman 5K Roar and Pour Trail Fun Run - 11 AM March 18th, 2017
- Wine Tasting - Cave B New Wine Release 12-6 PM March 18, 2017
- Awards - ~2 PM March 18th, 2017